Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cover letter works in career change

So, you've come to that point in your career when you realize this is not what you want to be doing for the rest of your working life…..

 A career change can be a very stressful and challenging adventure. The challenge is translating all those skills and experiences you have acquired in one career into relevant selling points for another.

Your resume will outline your professional experience and qualifications but it is your cover letter that will take that information and relate it to a new career. There are a number of fundamental attributes that are transferable across all careers. Qualities such as professionalism, dedication, commitment and reliability are easily presented in a cover letter. Other practical qualities such as communication, problem solving, working as part of a team and using initiative are also transferable across careers.

 Whatever your experiences you will have skills that are transferable across jobs, the trick is in marketing those skills.

A professional cover letter will showcase your abilities in relation to relevant job specific requirements. This is an effective way to introduce potential employers to the ways in which you can assist them in meeting their company goals.

Cover letters can help make the transition a little smoother by outlining your new job objectives, highlighting the relevant qualities and experiences you have gained in other jobs and relating them to what you can achieve in a new position.

Many people in this position find it difficult to show how past experiences are relevant to their new career direction. In reality, many of the qualities you have picked up along the way in various jobs will be highly valuable to any position. It is important to show how you have contributed to your past employers success in a tangible way, this can be done in a cover letter. Potential employers want to know how your work has specifically impacted on the growth and development of previous companies you have worked for.

You can promote your candidacy in a new career using the skills and experiences you already have. You just need to bring it all together in clear and concise way and the cover letter is your best bet in this regard. A well-crafted introduction letter will grab the attention of potential employers, present your unique qualities and give them an insight into your personality. Most importantly, it will let employers know exactly what you achieved in the past and what you can offer their company.

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