Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How Can You Reduce Your Job Hunting Expenses

Today’s reality is such that changing jobs is commonplace. But for once the dreaded job-search now has an upside: Deductions! Employment search expenses can be deducted as miscellaneous itemized deductions if you’re looking for a position in the same field, at essentially the same level as the one you left…..

The expenses are deductible even if you don't get the job.

You can claim job-seeking expenses as long as the amount of all miscellaneous itemized deductions is more than 2 percent of your adjusted gross income. Job seeking deductions are also subject to the overall limitation on itemized deductions based on AGI threshold amounts. To figure your deduction on Schedule A, subtract 2 percent of your adjusted gross income from the total amount of these expenses. Your adjusted gross income is the amount on Form 1040, line 35.

What job hunting deductions can be taken?

Employment Agency Fees:
If your new employer repays your agency fees, you must include the amount in your gross income up to the amount of the deduction you claimed earlier.
If your employer pays fees directly to the agency and you have no responsibility for them, you do not have to include them in your gross income.

Resume Preparation:
Typing and printing
Toll telephone calls
Photographs (if required for your resume in your trade or business)

Travel for Your Job-Search:
Airfare or mileage (In some circumstances actual automobile expenses have been approved)

Meals (based on either actual expenses or standard federal per diem rates)
Legal Fees Protecting Employment Status

Useful Job Hunting Tips:
Your job search must be for a job in your current, or most recent, trade or business and should be at a similar level of responsibility with duties similar to those of your most recent job.

If you have not held a job in that trade or business for an extended length of time your job search will be considered for a new trade or business and your deductions may not be allowed.

If you held a college internship or valid job while in college and your search is for a job in the same trade or business, you will be able to take the job search deductions.

If you are just out of school and had no similar paying jobs in school, you are looking for a job in a new trade or business and your deductions will not be allowed.

If you take a personal trip and happen to do some job hunting while on that trip, only the expenses specific to the job hunt in the destination location will be deductible. Travel to and from the location and lodging and meals while there will not be deductible. Avoid unnecessary job-hunting trips to vacation spots.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Turn Your Job Hunt into the Internet Job Hunt

Job is essential for us for many reasons. There are various reasons why we need a job. Job is not only a major source of income but also helpful to us in many ways. Job is also important for us from the career perspective…..

Job-hunting is made easy now. The Internet has revolutionized this whole world. This is a new era for job-hunting. The job-hunting on the Internet has made the job-hunting era into the Internet job-hunting era. The IT sector and its contributions to this world have made this world a new place. There is Internet everywhere. Internet has made the work of many industries and people easier. The Internet has given the highest contributions to the communication industry. The Internet job-hunting involves the searching of job on the Internet.

The Internet has several job sites. The various job sites on the Internet have various categories of jobs. The job sites bring jobs from all over the world. The employers use the Internet which is a source to reach the thousands and millions of job-seekers around the world. The job-seekers on the other hand use the Internet as a source to reach at many jobs available in the job market. The Internet job-hunting is very easy and simple. It involves less time and effort. The Internet job-hunting strategies are made to simplify the job-hunting process. The Internet job-hunting strategies will help the job-seekers in getting jobs successfully. The strategies are made for the benefit of the job-hunting for job-hunters.

The human resource employment is a growing field. There are number of opportunities in the human resource careers. The human resource employment is creating many opportunities for human resource jobs and human resource careers. The human resource jobs are available in plenty in US. There are many States in US like Chicago, California, Texas etc which have many human resource jobs. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Four tips to help land you a summer job

Sometime mid-spring, everyone you know starts to freak out about summer jobs. Your friends get all secretive about who they heard was hiring, and your parents start requiring up-to-the-minute status updates on every pointless detail …….

Sure, you can choose to diss the job search all together, but that means you’ll spend the summer bored, broke and having to do Mom and Dad’s laundry. That’s just awkward for everyone. So you need a job for the summer, and you need it fast.

So, here are a few tips to make sure you’re not stuck folding Dad’s boxer shorts in the middle of July.

Everyone has that one friend with the dream summer job – the one who makes more than you, works less and seemingly possesses an unlimited amount of sick days. (And by sick days, we mean days spent tanning by the pool while reading a copy of US Weekly). It may seem like that friend has won the summer job lottery, and we don’t want to be the fun police, but what is he/she really learning? Even if a summer job isn’t the yellow brick road to your dream career, you can learn awesome job skills, or even turn it into a permanent paycheck.

You’ve probably heard to dress for the job you want, not the one you have. And your mom has told you, You only get one chance to make a first impression. As annoying as these are to hear, cliches serve a purpose. Dressing for the job you want shows employers you’re motivated. And there are no do-overs in your job search, so you better get it right the first time.

This starts with being honest with yourself. If you’re a proud vegan and you aren’t sure you could stand handling prime-cut filets, then skip the restaurant job route. Being honest also includes your initial conversations with potential bosses. Don’t over-commit to the amount of hours you’ll be able to work and then back down later. Also, don’t claim you possess certain skills if you don’t. We know it’s exciting to be on the cusp of landing a job, but the quickest way to crash and burn is to get caught in a lie.

When dozens and dozens of your peers are competing for the same coveted job, don’t make it easy for a potential employer to take you out of the running early. From having your cell phone blowing up during an interview to dropping off a resume with your mom in tow, the list of these embarrassing faux pas is long. When in doubt, pause, then exercise a little common sense.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Some Tips For Ending a Job Interview

In preparing for a job interview, you've probably practiced a firm (but not too firm)handshake, rehearsed answers to tough interview questions about your background and spiffed up your lucky interview suit. But many job hunters overlook a crucial part of the interview process: the very end……   

As you finish an interview, you have one last chance to sell the interviewer on your skills -- and get the information you need in order to follow up. Experts offer these tips for successfully closing an interview:

To be sure you can follow up later, don't leave the interview without getting the names, titles and contact information of everyone you met. This includes people you may dismiss as unimportant. "You don't know who has pull," says Laura DeCarlo, president of Career Directors International, a global professional association of resume writers and career coaches.

You should also ask what the next steps are in the process: Will the most-promising candidates be called back for another interview? Is the company about to make a hiring decision? How soon does the hiring manager expect to move to this next step?

"It's totally appropriate for a candidate to ask this," says Peggy McKee, founder of Career Confidential.

Once the interviewer explains how the process will unfold, DeCarlo explains, "You say, 'Thank you. Is it OK if I call you if I haven't heard from you?'" Although you don't need the interviewer's permission to follow up, having the interviewer say it's OK will likely make you less apprehensive if doing so becomes necessary.

After you thank the interviewer and briefly summarize why you think you're a good fit for the job, McKee suggests asking straight out, "Based on this interview, do you feel that I could be successful in this position? Will you move me forward in the interview process?"
A positive response doesn't mean you're guaranteed to get the job. But the interviewer will likely remember you as a stronger candidate. "When you answer yes, you cross a line mentally," McKee says.

What if the interviewer expresses reservations? "That's the big fear," McKee says. But even though it may be disappointing, it's better to know. "This is your only really strong opportunity to find out what her objections are, so you can overcome those objections," she says.
For example, if the interviewer says you lack experience in a particular area, you may realize that you didn't emphasize your relevant experience enough. You can now clarify, either on the spot or in a follow-up letter.

You may get a noncommittal answer -- the interviewer may say simply that there are more candidates to interview, for example. If that happens, use this as an opportunity to ask for more information about how the hiring process will play out.

Your interview thank-you letter will be more effective if you can mention specifics about your interview. The best way to do this, DeCarlo says, is to write down everything you remember -- good and bad -- as soon as you can after the interview. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Finding a New career While You Are Currently Employed

The current job market is not ideal and there is uncertainty; that said there are great career opportunities out there. If you are currently employed it is more difficult to conduct a job search, but it can be done smartly and respectfully…..

 Here are some tips for a productive job search while currently employed, and moving on with grace:

Job hunting while you are employed can be tricky. You don't want to burn bridges or be replaced before you have found your dream job. While in general the more people who know you are looking, the easier for people to find you, this is not an option when you need to keep your current employment. Conducting a job search confidentially means choosing the people you tell wisely. Typically you wouldn't include your co-workers, upper management, or company contacts in this secret. Working with a recruiter will protect your identity until mutual interest with a prospective employer is established. When you do have an interview, let the company know that your job search is confidential.

This is your job search, make sure you do this on your personal time and use your own resources. Make sure that you provide only personal the contact information on your resume or cover letter. For job search correspondence, use a personal email, or set up a new email, and use your own phone and personal computer. This is respectful of the work contract in which you are currently engaged, and will keep you out of any conflicts that could arise if your job search becomes known.

Just as the job searching should be done on your own time, ideally interviews should too. This is not always possible of course, so when you can't schedule a phone or onsite interview outside of work hours, use your paid time off. Rather than invent any reasons, simply use your personal time. And be careful if you going to work on the same days as your interview that you don't give yourself away by arriving dressed in a suit and tie that you never wear to work!

Privacy settings may include your name and contact information for example, and some offer the ability to block specific viewers such as your current company from viewing your resume. While the internet offers vast resources, be careful about what you broadcast on social media from Twitter to LinkedIn, your comments can be widely distributed and very difficult to retract. Review your photos and personal information as employers use social media too!

It is difficult to utilize networks when your job search is confidential, however you can strengthen relationships and communications in general which may open up some doors and offer insight into new opportunities.

Stay invested in your current position and honor the work contract and trust that you have with your current employer while job searching. Until you have accepted an offer in writing, don't tell anyone about your job search or new job. Once the new position is confirmed, tell your boss first and follow the usual protocols of providing adequate notice (typically at least two weeks). Be graceful in your departure. The relationships you have built here are important, whether for continuing business relations in the same industry, obtaining recommendations in the future, or even future employment down the road with colleagues.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Some fantastic job search tips for year 2012

It's 2012 and it's time to take control of your job search. This year, it's no longer up to companies to hire you, it's up to you to get hired. Forget about how the economy is doing. Reflect on last year if you must, but then forget about that, too…..

This year, your focus will be on finding the right job for you and doing everything you can to be the best candidate for that job. The competition may still be tough, but you're going to be better than the competition.

Here's how to turn the tables in your favor.

 Narrow your search. Stop applying to jobs that you're not qualified for or don't really want. It's a waste of time. Be honest with yourself when evaluating job postings.

If you had to start the job tomorrow, do you have all the skills you'd need to succeed? Or are there areas of the job description that you don't have experience in? While it's always great to be willing to learn, most companies want to hire someone who can jump right in and get started without being trained from scratch. Focus your time on creating great applications for jobs you are well qualified for instead.

 Know exactly what you want. Narrowing down your job search may force you to ask yourself tough questions like: What kind of job am I really after? And, what skills can I offer an employer? If you're unsure of the answer, make one list of the job skills you excel at and one of the skills you like to use most. Use these skills as search terms in your job search.

 Reevaluate your skill set. If you feel like you've looked at every job posting on earth and you still can't find one your skills match up with, then it's time to get some new skills.

The good news for those who are unemployed is that it's the perfect opportunity to go back to school. You won't have to divide your time with your job obligations, and there's also the possibility that the economy will have recovered a bit by the time you graduate school -- giving you a double leg up. There are even government funding and programs available for out-of-work job-seekers that want to enroll in training or continue their education.

 Set goals. Yes, your overall goal may be to get a job, but setting short-term, specific job search goals for the year will help you grow and force you to continuously evaluate your progress. Improve your networking skills, for example, by making January's goal to join a professional organization and February's to attend a college alumni event.

Holding yourself accountable for achieving these goals will boost your self-esteem and motivate you to continue searching by providing you with new leads and information.

Try something new. If you're stuck in a job search rut, add a new strategy to your repertoire. Instead of only job searching online, try working with a recruiter and setting up informational interviews with industry contacts, too. A multi-faceted approach will get the best results.

Get a leg up on the competition. If you come across a job that seems perfect for you, do something that will subtly help you stand out from the crowd. When you find a job posting you want to apply to, find out the name of the hiring manager or someone who works in the same department, and send the person an e-mail directly.

It's 2012, which means almost anything can be found online, including names and e-mail addresses. A LinkedIn search on the company should turn up a list of employees and their titles, from which you can select the most appropriate person. Then, search the company website or press releases for the company's e-mail format.

Get a hold of your online reputation: When an HR manager searches your name online (and they will do it) you can either take control what they see, or you can leave it to the powers of the crawl search gods. Search results that are professional, consistent and that establish you as an expert in your field will be far more impressive than Facebook pictures from Thanksgiving.

Things like a Facebook or LinkedIn profile and a Twitter feed will all show up on the first page, so signing up for these sites and populating the accounts with up-to-date, professional content will make a great impression.

Start a website: If you want to take your Internet presence one step further, starting a website will showcase your skills and talents in a thorough and interesting way, and it'll add to your professionalism and give you credibility. Plus, it's not as costly or as time-consuming as you might think.

Stay current: You should always be in the loop, even if you're out of work. Read trade publications, comment on industry blogs, and stay on top of any emerging technologies or policies that may impact your career path. This will not only help you have a great conversation with an interviewer and keep your professional edge, but it may also give you new ideas about where and how to look for a job.

Sell yourself: An interview is no time for modesty, especially in times like these. When you land an interview, go prepared with at least five examples that demonstrate your best qualities.

That way, when an interviewer asks, "Why should I hire you," you can talk about how you're such a quick learner that you taught yourself Photoshop in a week and how your entrepreneurial spirit lead you to start your first lawn-mowing business at age 16. Be sure to leave the interviewer with the phone numbers of references who will back you up with glowing recommendations.

Keep that glass half-full approach, all year: A job search will always have its frustrating moments, because things don't always happen when or how we want them to happen. But instead of letting setbacks ruin motivation, take them as lessons.

Your lack of interviews may mean it's time to re-evaluate your career path or skill set, which could lead you to a more fulfilling career. This type of positive attitude will be much more productive in helping you find your next job.

The bottom line is that job searching will be tough this year, but landing a job -- even your dream job -- can still be a reality. A proactive job search is your best bet, so take the necessary steps to ensure you get the job you want.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Creating a professional image when submitting your resume for jobs online

Something happens to people when they get online. Maybe it's the instant access, maybe it's the anonymity, but when people get online they sometimes get overly casual and informal….

 This might be fine when your talking to your friend in Omaha or the someone you just met in a chat room, but it doesn't work well when you're trying to get business done.

Just because you're communicating online does not mean you should consider yourself exempt from any of the formalities of paper-based communication. Online cover letters are notoriously awful, poorly written throwaways of fewer than three lines whose only purpose is to say "I'm applying, this is my resume, have a nice day."

When formatting the cover letter, stick to left-justified headers and four-inch wide text lines in your paragraphs. You never know when the address you're mailing to has a small e-mail-page format that will awkwardly wrap text around the screen. Also, many e-mail systems cannot handle text enhancements like bolding, bulleting or underlining, so play it safe by using CAPITAL LETTERS  or dashes  if you need to make an emphasis.

Proper E-mail Cover Letter Etiquette
Anil Dash, the former chief information technology officer for an online music video production studio in Manhattan, lost his job this January when the company fired nearly all its employees. Since then, Dash figures he's applied for more than a dozen jobs, contacting every one of the potential employers - befitting an out-of-work CIO - through e-mail.

But every time he prepares another e-mail, he faces a choice. Should he bother to write an e-mail cover letter, the sort of thing he'd do if he were mailing the resume, or should he merely dash off a few lines to the effect of, "Hi, I'm interested in your job, and I've attached my resume as a Word file. Thanks." "I do cover letters for jobs I really want," Dash says. "For ones I don't care about, I just spam them."

Why Cover Letters Still Matter
According to recruiting experts, Dash is doing the right thing by writing extensive e-mail cover letters. Even though cover letters came of age in the age of pen and paper (or typewriter and paper), they still have a place in the 21st century, when want ads, resumes, and interviews all fly over virtual networks. "It's going over the Internet, but it's the same product," Madeline Miller, the manager of Compu-Type Nationwide Resume Service in upstate New York, said of e-mail cover letters. "The cover is very important and it should be the same quality if you were to mail it."

Since e-mail messages generally tend to be conversational and quickly written, many people aren't used to drafting carefully written e-mail cover letters. But Miller said any applicant who creates a fully-fleshed e-mailed cover letter has an advantage over an applicant with a more slapdash cover letter.

"There is a tendency to jot off a few lines, and people might write, "I'm applying for this job, here is my resume," Miller said. "But if there is a cover letter, that could put somebody over the top." But at the same time, make sure your e-mailed cover letter isn't a chore to read. If brevity is a virtue with conventional cover letters, it's a necessity for e-mailed cover letters.

Appropriate Cover Letter Length
Reesa Staten, the research director for OfficeTeam, a staffing service firm, says e-mailed resumes shouldn't run more than two or three paragraphs.
"You want to include the same type of information, albeit in a shorter version," Staten said. "What you don't want to do is rehash your resume. There's no need to restate what you've done in the past. What you want to do is tell them where you learned about the listing, why you're right for the job, and how they can reach you."

Tips for Sending Cover Letters and Resumes
If you really want the job, follow up an e-mailed cover letter and resume with a hard copy you mail. Make sure this hard copy includes a cover letter, too, that restates who you are and why you're qualified. Somewhere in the cover letter, be sure to write, "I recently e-mailed you my resume and I'm following up with this hard copy."

Why should you do this? A hard copy gives your resume another chance for exposure and makes it easier for a potential boss to pass around or file your cover letter and resume. In cases where your e-mailed cover letter and resume have been overlooked in someone's in-box or rendered inaccessible by a computer glitch, a hard copy may be your only chance for exposure.

If you're including a resume as an attachment, first make sure the prospective employer accepts attachments. Then, in your cover letter, mention the program you used to create your attachment. ("I've enclosed a cover letter written in Microsoft Word 2000.") It's also a good idea to include a cut and paste text version of your resume in addition, in case the person reading the resume doesn't have the software to open your attachment.

With any resume file you're attaching, open it first to make sure it's updated, error free, and the version of your resume you want to send. Sending a virus is tantamount to sealing your job-doom. Save a copy of whatever you send by including your own e-mail address in the "BCC" field or by making sure a copy goes to your "Sent mail" folder. This allows you to resend the letter if a problem pops up.

 Lastly, don't fill in the "to" field with the recipient's e-mail address until you've finished writing and editing the cover letter and resume. This prevents you from accidentally sending off the message before it's ready.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Powerful And Effective Job Search Tips

Here is a list of not so common job search tips that you can use to your advantage to get noticed and be as productive as possible during your search…..

 The important thing to remember is to conduct your job search like a job. Work at it every day, develop a plan and stick to it and don't forget to follow up on previous searches. Don't give up, hopefully the tips below will work for you.

1. Did you know Tuesday is the most productive day of the week? What does this mean to you as a job seeker? You can plan Tuesday as the day to network, to make appointments, reorganize job search files, or possibly re-touch on older leads. However you decide to spend your Tuesdays, make sure you take advantage of its' natural productiveness in the work week.

2. Did you know that as many as 35% of employers are now using your credit report history as a means of judging personal responsibility, especially in occupations dealing directly with money? Something to think about and get in order before you begin your job search or at the least make sure you are aware of what others are finding when checking your credit history. Conducting a credit check on yourself might be a good idea.

3. Did you know you could research the current earnings rate for your new position using pay comparison internet sites and increase your negotiating power by being prepared and aware? A couple of helpful sites to search and compare pay per job, industry, or location include, or

4. Did you know 65 to 70% of jobs are gained through personal referrals or networking connections? So get networking! Make a long list of all your friends, family, past co-workers, bosses, work associates, teachers, and professors. Also include contacts from associations, church or volunteer activities, hobbies, and your children's schools and activities. Once you have a strong list start making your way through them to let them know what type of job you are interested in.

5. Did you know only an average of 36% of those job hunters interviewed regularly send thank-you notes while 75% of employers appreciate or expect the notes? Not only is it polite but it is a great chance to touch on something specific you talked about during the interview that will help you be remembered.

6. Did you know that over 90% of employers seek their assistant's opinion when interviewing and making hiring decisions? When calling or visiting in person for an interview make sure to be polite and friendly to the assistants and secretaries in the office. Their impression of you might just get you the job or get you passed by.

7. Did you know business cards are a great way to network? Using a plain and simple card or with a photo works best. They are another great way to be remembered and are a quick and inexpensive career tool. Business cards work especially well when you haveyour resume posted online and can include the website on your card.

8. Did you know having a mentor can also be another great way to network? I know from experience that having someone more experienced in your industry and field to discuss ideas and questions with can be really valuable. They are also a great networking source as well since they are familiar with your skills, experience, and current objectives and goals.

9. Did you know 60% of large companies do salary planning in the fall? What does this mean to you? First, it is a great time to ask for a raise! If you are already working for a large company a fall raise while budge planning is going on might be easier to work into a budget then at some other time of the year. Secondly, knowing the hiring managers mind is on budgets and hiring needs for the following year they will be more interested in resumes coming in that fit their needs because it might save them money to not include your hire into next years budget.

10. Did you also know that 40% of job cuts announced are in the fall? This may be a great time to have your resume updated and ready – just in case. You will be ahead of the rest of your coworkers with an updated resume if layoffs occur and you need to look for work.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

10 ways to maximize your portfolio career

To enjoy job security and professional fulfillment in this new employment reality, you should have a "portfolio career" that includes multiple and simultaneous income streams or career acts……

Career acts can include an eBay business, part-time job, profitable hobby, nonexecutive board seat, franchise, authored book, affiliate links on your blog, weekend jazz trio, etc.
Here are 10 tips for managing career acts in a portfolio career:

Start maximizing your talents to generate broad-based income streams. Some career acts can be slow and steady sources of income, while others can be higher-risk with higher potential reward. Professions such as nursing or teaching science are low-risk sources of guaranteed income, whereas starting a small business has a higher risk, with potential for a much higher reward.

Invest intelligently
To build income-generating career acts, you will need to invest in yourself, your business, your network and the like. You may need, for example, to return to school for a degree or training program, to invest in equipment or supplies, or to attend a conference or some other networking event. Manage the financial risk incurred by being realistic about your talents and abilities and making sure you have the tenacity and effectiveness to take full advantage of your investments.

Actively manage your portfolio
Your career acts will need different investments and have different trajectories for growth. Today's careers are actively self-managed.

Invest prudently
Start protecting your time and your discretionary spending, as you may need both to start a new career act.

Maintain high ethical standards
Do not add career acts that a reasonable supervisor wouldn't consider or that would use company time or resources for your private gain. At the same time, remember that you did not take a vow of poverty when you became employed.

Sell high
Many people actively manage how they enter an organization but passively manage their exit, often waiting for a layoff, reorganization or something else to force their departure. If you work for an unsupportive supervisor, have no opportunities for growth or dislike what you are doing, start planning your exit while you still have an income stream.

Know your tolerance for risk
Entrepreneurship is not right for everyone. Find a mix of career acts that do not add anxiety to your life and that align with your talents.

Trust your hunches
Do not let anyone tell you that you lack focus or should get serious about one career. Careers today are moving further away from the traditional 40-hour-per-week employer to more self-directed opportunities for generating income.

Understand the data
Speak with multiple people who occupy any career act you would like to have. There are often different ways to achieve the same career goal. Some ways may take less time and less money but produce the same result.

Seek advice
Often people have a hard time understanding ways they can use their talents and abilities. Speak to trusted friends or advisers who know you well and want to see you succeed about what they see you doing. You will be surprised at how well others can spotlight your talents and give you ideas.

A well-managed portfolio career can provide greater income, personal fulfillment and professional security. What income-generating opportunity can you create for yourself that would use your talents and skills, in a way you would like to work? Make a plan and start growing your amazing portfolio career.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

How To Find Great Job In A Poor Economy

There's not a city or industry in the USA that isn't going through some form of adjustment due to the economic instability. Private and corporate workforces are more competitive with companies cutting back on new hires…..

 Job applications and candidates have more than tripled over the past two years. In these conditions, the best tip is to remain positive, while pursuing your next place of employment.
Go through the mourning process and get on with it. Acknowledge that it's done; holding on to the past will cause you to miss an opportunity. Look to the future, the new possibilities and focus on today. Start with your resume ensuring the information is current, professionally formatted in MS Word and be prepared to go on interviews. Employers are well aware of what's happening in the job market. They are looking for team members who can turn difficult times into positive outcomes and help with the bottom line.

Online systems have made jobs applications more accessible, bringing in more competition at the same time. It's the first place to start looking for a job, especially since most employers are using the internet as a means of finding several qualified candidates in a matter of hours. Some of the job boards where you should start your job search include,, and

 For the candidate, job searching in a poor economy takes more than just online searching and browsing. Job hunters need to get out and network with social groups, and associates. Job seekers should create a great a profile on to get the word out about your skills, followed with recommendations of your talents from former managers or coworkers. The interaction between social groups is an opportunity to share your talents, skills and expertise with the business community.

Positive thinking and focus will lead candidates to the right job. In a poor economy, job hunters may need to make a compromise on location and pay rates. It's difficult, try not to panic, take the time to know your living expenses and calculate according to the budget. Don't settle for jobs or pay below the budget, it adds stress and interferes with job performance.
Candidates should be looking for jobs that fit their experience and expertise; these positions fulfill the applicant's needs as well as the employer's requirements. During slow economic periods employers are looking for stability and the best long term employees are qualified to contribute a valued service to the business's growth. Have a plan for the day with a certain amount of hours set aside for job hunting. Take time to plan daily tasks, keeping a sense of order with a regular routine. The scheduling helps to manage the stress of job hunting and keeps your organizational skills intact.

Some locations have an abundant of jobs and relocation or retraining may be considerations for these future employment opportunities. Depending on the area and industry, specific opportunities may be drastically reduced and in some cases out-sourced. Working through an employment agency may lead to temporary employment with a future potential of the employer offering a direct employment position as the economy improves. Recruiter's have access to companies and insider information that job seekers to not have access to. By partnering with a recruiting firm job seekers can potentially find a job faster and with better compensation.

Retraining may be necessary for some, locating a new position in a booming industry during a slow economy is going to be time consuming but possible. Job hunters need to do the research on what markets are using new applications of current skills. Be able to take existing skills and apply them to a new industry's will expedite the job transition. Today's computer and information technology skill sets are crossing all industries and markets. Job seekers need to learn to diversify their talents in today's ever evolving world.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How To Find Reliable IT Salary Numbers

One of the hottest careers today is that of the IT world. Everything today deals with computers and technology-every industry and every field-and this is why choosing the IT industry to get into is a good choice……

 If you are either considering a position in IT or perhaps, have been in the IT industry for many years; you might probably have questions as to what you could or should be making. This said, how do you find reliable salary numbers that are as up to date as the field-or almost? Below we offer the best tips on searching for credible IT salary information, as well as offer tips on where to find the best salary information.

There are a number of ways to go about finding salary information on various positions in the IT world. This said, there are a few tips you should be aware of when doing so: 

1. Job Titles: The job title of a position can make a huge difference in how much that position can make, and omitting one word or confusing one type of position with another can mean the difference of thousands per year. This said, make sure you know the title you are looking for, and use the exact phrase. There are a number of very similar position titles-especially in IT-and being aware of them will offer you the most reliable information.
2. Resource: In searching for information on various IT titles, make sure that you use a credible source. Remember that anyone can post information online and say it’s accurate, but it doesn’t have to be. Make sure to choose and research resources that have trusted names and the right data.
3. Census: One of the best third party resources for updated information on salary is the U.S. Census, and many of the best resource sites use this as their primary reference for the information they offer. Be sure to look out for sites that resource the U.S. Census, as these numbers are obviously traceable and reliable. 

Great IT Position Salary Resources

So now that you have a working idea of how to find the best up to date and reliable salary information, where do you look? Aside from striking out on your own to find these numbers, the following are some of the best for IT career salary information:

1. Monster Salary Wizard: It should come as no surprise that one of the champions on online job searching and resource is included in this list: can not only help you differentiate and compare similar IT careers for perusal, but also uses a state of the art salary wizard to instantly offer you quality and credible salary results for your IT career title. The basic search is free, and if you want to get a more customized look-you can get comprehensive help with a minimal monthly fee. 

2. Computerworld: Computerworld is one of the best industry-specific career resources for those interested in not just learning the newest and established information in the IT career world, but also, that of the most recent IT job salary trends. It is extremely user-friendly and can be customized in detailed information according to your specific questions.