Thursday, December 29, 2011

Get Ready For Job Interviews

There is nothing more heartbreaking than finding the perfect job option but then struggling through the interview process……

 Having a great resume helps a lot, but if a person is unable to sound qualified during the interview process there is a good chance they will not get the job. There are some simple steps that can be taken to succeed during the process.

The most important thing to do is make sure to research the company that is interviewing. This way it will be easy to understand what the company does, what qualities they look for in workers, what type of challenges the industry faces, and things of that nature. By doing this people will have an idea about what questions might be asked and can answer them by matching personal qualities they possess with productive answers.

Besides knowing what the company does and needs from workers, make sure to let the interviewer know how the qualities you possess can benefit them. If possible use specific examples from past work history that showcase positive attributes. Also make sure that you dress the part and look like you should when getting hired. First impressions mean a lot when one interview might decide your job future.

As the job market presents itself with the numerous bumps created by the rocky road of a poor economy, more and more people are finding themselves in a place they never expected: the unemployment line.
Competition for employment is becoming fierce. How does an individual stand out and grab that interview? An impressive resume will definitely help. There are three basic types of resumes, all of which can be effective.

The Chronological Resume is set up to walk the evaluator through the relevant and important steps an applicant has conquered in the past. The contents are arranged in order of when they occurred, and normally include education and experience.

The Experience Resume discusses any experiences the applicant has been through that might be relevant to the position for which he/she is applying. This type of resume is not in a particular order, and includes items such as work experiences, special studies, and volunteer work.

The Basic Resume is probably most common, and it’s broken up into sections to make it easier for the reviewer to find what they’re looking for. Sections include education, work history, and additional experiences or skills acquired by the applicant. This type of resume frequently includes non-relevant work history and education as well as related information.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

How To Restore Confidence After Job Loss

People have very different reactions that they have just lost their job. For some it’s a reason to celebrate, particularly if plans have already been made or there is a sizeable severance payout as part of the redundancy package…….

For others, job loss creates a host of negative feelings ranging from anger to depression. A very common reaction for many is to feel a loss of self-confidence. This is often experienced by men more than women because men are more likely to measure their level of personal success by the job or career they have.

It is not unusual to hear stories of people who choose not to tell anyone, including friends and family, of the redundancy. They then continue to go about their daily routine as if nothing has changed. The only difference is that instead of going to work, the person spends time idling the day away and alone in a shopping mall or library.

Job loss has the potential to turn your world, as you know it, upside down. Experiencing low levels of confidence is a very normal and natural response.

Don’t take the job loss personally. This is often easier said than done! Redundancy is a very common event and seldom has anything to do with the person, their attitude or levels of work performance. It is a business decision that has been made by your employer for commercial reasons.

Continually remind yourself that it’s the job that has been made redundant, not you! A job or position may be made redundant because the role, for whatever reason, is no longer required by the employer. A person, however, can never be made redundant. You continue to own your values, your skills and your experience that you will eventually take to another employer – no one or nothing can take that away from you.
Seek the support of others – pretending to go to work rather than facing up to the steps that you need to take to move forward will only worsen the negativity and confidence levels.

If your employer has given you the opportunity to receive outplacement or career transition assistance, then take it. It will cost you nothing and yet can make a huge difference to your job search success. The Outplacement Consultant that you work with will not only provide you with practical job search assistance but will also help you manage the emotional roller coaster ride that you find yourself on.

Work out just how long you can be without a job before you start to face financial pressure. For some people, especially those who have received a severance package, this ‘safe time’ can be measured by months or even years. It is not always necessary to replace the job as quickly as you think it may be.

Learn to handle those well meaning folk who will offer you loads of sympathy and will continually ask if you ‘have found another job yet’. Whether you believe it or not, say that you are enjoying the opportunity to take some time out to think about what you really want to do before you look for the next job and that you really are in no hurry.

Spend time each day doing something that you really enjoy. Further develop an interest or pastime, take a training course that you have never had time for before. Do things that you have always wanted to do but just never got around to. Don’t spend each and every day doing nothing much at all. Make each day count!

Take time to deal with any emotional reactions to redundancy – if you feel angry, aggrieved, upset, depressed or desperate, no matter how hard you try, these emotions will come through as you progress your job search and especially if you attend interviews.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why Resumes Are Rejected ?

Recruiters spend countless hours reviewing resumes and screening candidates. In fact, they spend so much time scanning resumes that they can often do it in a minute or less………

As disappointing as that may be, given all the hard work you put into your resume, it's the unfortunate reality. And with such a small amount of time to make an impression, it's no wonder that they occasionally get it wrong. You may have been the perfect person for the position, but because you failed to successfully package yourself, your resume and your chances end up meeting their demise with the click of a mouse. Read on to learn the top four reasons your resume may end up in a recycle bin or trash folder.

1. The length
Have you ever read a magazine article, short story, blog, etc., and thought, "Get to the point already?" Recruiters have the same response when they read over a three-page resume. Nine times out of 10 they will probably just move it to the rejection stack.
Your resume is not meant to be an exhaustive list of every job you've ever held, every award you have ever received, and every training program, club or activity you have ever attended. To make the best impression and have the best chance of making the cut, highlight those things on your resume that are most important to the position at hand.
Don't be afraid to use different resumes for different positions. Taking a few extra minutes on your end to tailor your resume could mean the difference between the hiring manager or the trash being the next recipient of your application.

2. No cover letter
If you are over- or under-qualified for a position, have a varied work history, or have skills that aren't highlighted on your resume, a cover letter is essential. While you may know your full life story, a recruiter does not.
What may appear as flaws in your experience may be explainable because you were trailing a spouse or taking time off to care for your family.
A one-size-fits-all resume may not explain why you are interested in and qualified for a position that isn't an exact match to your prior roles.

3. Grammar and spelling
We've all been there. We have reviewed a piece of writing, a proposal or, worse yet, our resume a million times and think it's perfect. For whatever reason, our eyes and spellchecker let us down, and we miss the blunder. The recruiter, however, does not.

4. Achievements vs. job description
One of the biggest and most frequent reasons that people fail to be noticed is that their resume lacks a job-details-vs.-results orientation. No matter how many big words you use to describe your job duties, if you fail to identify your contributions to past organizations, you may be passed over.
Companies want to know that they are getting value for their buck in today's market. It isn't enough just to be qualified for a position. They are looking for employees who can hit the ground running and make contributions fast. By highlighting how you have added to the success of a past employer, you are likely to catch a recruiter's eye and make it to the top of the pile.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

7-Reasons to Leave Your Job

Today I will tell you why many of us need to quit our job as soon as financially possible. Why? the main reason is that the majority of people are too unhappy in their current position.

1. Safety

We used to think you get a corporate job, you rise up, you get promoted, maybe you move horizontally to another division or a similar company, you get promoted again, and eventually you retire with enough savings in your IRA.
That's all gone.
That myth disappeared in 2008. It really never existed but now we know it's a myth. Corporate CEOs kept their billion dollar salaries and laid off about 20 million people and sent the jobs to China. Fine, don't complain or blame other people. But your job is not safe.

2. Home

Everyone thinks they need a safe job so they can save up to buy a home and also qualify for a mortgage. Mortgage lenders at the banks like people who are like them — other people locked in cubicle prison

3.  College

Everyone thinks they need to save up to send their kids to college. Depending on how many kids you have and where you want them to go to college it could cost millions.

4. You have a truly evil boss.

If you're thinking about leaving because of your manager, you're not alone: While no boss is perfect, if your boss is abusive or unethical, or he or she's just a jerk and you've tried numerous strategies to make the most of the situation, it is likely time to start looking for a new job.
Most people don't like their boss. It's like any relationship. Most of the time you get into a relationship for the wrong reasons. Eventually you're unhappy. And if you don't get out, you become miserable and scarred for life.

5. Fear

We have such a high unemployment rate, people are afraid if they leave the job they are miserable at, they won't be able to get a job. This is true if you just walk into your boss's office and pee on his desk and get fired. But its not true if you prepare well. More on that in a bit.

6. The Work

Most people don't like the work they do. They spend 4 years going to college, another few years in graduate school, and then they think they have to use that law degree, business degree, architecture degree and then guess what? They hate it. But they don't want to admit it. They feel guilty. They are in debt. No problem. Read on.

7. The economy is about to boom.

I don't care if you believe this or not. Stop reading the newspaper so much. The newspapers are trying to scare you. Bernanke just printed up a trillion dollars and airlifted it onto the US economy. Who is going to scoop that up. You in your cubicle? Think again.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Making a Great First Impression Will Land You The Job

A job search involves many different strategies and each needs to be carefully planned and executed. There are six job search steps and all must be followed and carried out meticulously:

Step #1: Identify Your Target
Step #2: Create a Compelling Marketing Campaign
Step #3: Research
Step #4: Networking and Interviewing
Step #5: Staying Motivated, Organized and Troubleshooting Your Job Search
Step #6: Negotiating and Closing the Offer

We work very closely with our clients to keep track of each step because there are specific strategies that must be executed well in order to make a great first impression every time. Here are 6 tips to making a great first impression – one for each of our six-steps:

Step #1: Identify Your Target: Employers are very impressed when you can articulate exactly what you are looking for. Spend time identifying the industry, the function and the geography that you really, truly want. You don’t need to name a specific title – perhaps mention the level you are at right now: senior, middle-level, entry-level.

Step #2: Create a Compelling Marketing Campaign: Ensure that your resume has quantifiable accomplishments that have “eased the pain” of your past employers. Unlike financial instruments, past performance does indicate future success, so write your resume bullets with purpose – and everything should be quantified (you reduced errors by 10%, increased profits by 25%, etc.).

Step #3: Research: Before you interview with someone, research their background on Linked-In (the Facebook for professionals). Research the firm not only by visiting their website, but by talking to anyone you know that works there. Research the competition and know if they are a fierce competitor, or a manageable one.

Step #4: Networking and Interviewing … like love & marriage they go together! During all networking functions, ask open ended questions. Ask how they got into the business they are in. Ask what the best part of their job is. Ask what advice they would have for you looking to get into that business. During your interviews mention answer each question with one goal in mind: how did you ease the pain of your previous employer. Do you see the pattern here … ease their pain …get the job!

Step #5: Staying Motivated, Organized and Troubleshooting Your Job Search: Several candidates loose the job because they are on edge and not operating at peak performance and recruiters/hiring managers can sense this. Keep yourself positive during the job search by reading helpful books, watching uplifting movies, and ensuring that you walk at least 30 minutes a day to get those endorphins working!

Step #6: Negotiating and Closing the Offer: Hiring Managers will be very impressed by candidates who know the balance between cash and non-cash. I once had a great candidate who accepted the offer, shook my hand, walked out and then rushed back to ask about the number of week’s vacation, and then asked for an additional week. That was not very professional and didn’t make a good impression. Think of all these issues in advance and a good impression will be made!

So like everything, practice makes perfect. Practice all steps of the job search and you will make those good first impressions. If you don’t feel you know how to gauge your skills, seek out someone who knows: a friend in HR, a career coach … someone who can get you back on the right track. And as in Field of Dreams, “ease their pain” and a great impression will be made!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How can I keep my job search a secret?

Looking for a new job is a full-time job in itself, but when do you have the time to look when you are spending over 40 hours a week at work, running errands and fulfilling family and social commitments in addition to stealing some time to sleep? The usual answer is, you do it at work……..

The last thing you want is for your current employer to know that you are looking elsewhere - If they find out, you could jeopardise both your current position and future references. So how can you conduct your job search in secret?

Be discreet
Rule one is not to use your company email address on any job applications as most organisations have policies permitting them to monitor employee email activity. Create a personal email account specifically for your job search.
Avoid using the office fax machine, computer and telephones. It may be convenient but it is also risky – it's too easy to accidentally leave a copy of your CV on the photocopier.

Always remember that sites like Monster are accessed by employers so use the privacy settings when you upload your CV to make sure your boss won't stumble across your details. You should also use our ‘company blocker' tool which allows you to prevent specific companies from seeing your details.
Lunchtimes, unsurprisingly, are the most common times for job seekers to be scanning the job ads. It is also the best time to return unanswered phone calls on your mobile to prospective employers. Try to find a quiet place like a local internet café or library to access your emails and search the job boards. The less distraction you have, the more you can concentrate on making your correspondence as good as possible.

Don't change your ways
If you typically wear jeans to work but suddenly start dressing in a suit as you have a interview , questions will soon be asked. Don't advertise the fact that you are looking for another job. If possible, try and find a friend who works nearby that could give your somewhere to change from interview mode back to your regular attire.

Regular excuses for coming in late or going home early are another tell-tale sign so try to arrange interviews before or after normal business hours. If it's unavoidable then schedule them during lunchtimes or arrange a day's holiday and schedule multiple interviews in one batch.

You have resolved to find yourself a new job, but don't shoot yourself in the foot by making colleagues and your boss suspicious if you start slacking. If you don't land another job straight away then you have to stay where you are for a while longer and you could be putting your existing position under threat.

This article reprinted in full without permission for the purposes of education and research, as permitted by Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sell The Gap On Your Resume

A common question from job seekers these days is, "How do I explain being out of work for a year or longer?" This is where a few sales techniques may successfully be applied……

The first is to approach the problem from a positive standpoint and leave fear behind. Whenever you meet with clients or hiring managers, speak with confidence.

The way you express yourself is how you are initially identified. In other words, all the ways you communicate -- including your attire, facial expressions, body language, as well as manner of speaking -- work to build your brand. Given the importance of communication, it's wise to practice telling a short story for you to get the feel of how you come across to others. However, when you deliver your story in person, it should sound natural and not rehearsed.

Whenever an "objection" arises in your meeting, such as your being unemployed for a long time, cheerfully acknowledge the statement with a smile on your face. This is referred to as "agreeing with the objection." The person interviewing you will be pleasantly surprised by your calm demeanor and will appreciate the forthcoming open dialogue.

Telling Your Story
Now it is your turn to shine by telling your story in an honest, open manner. This improves your brand and standing. For example, describe in your own words how you took the time off to vacation, rest your mind and do some soul-searching. During the process you recognized your true talents and interests. You took it upon yourself to self-educate further in this new direction, to ensure a long career.

The next step is to apply the information that you researched about the company and its industry (prior to the interview) to the job described, as well as your updated interests. Keep your story to two minutes or less because people do not like to listen to long-winded explanations.

The final sales technique is to finish your personal story with a "buy-in" question such as, "Do I sound like the type of candidate you are seeking?" Buy-in refers to getting the other party to say, "Yes." Sales experts agree that you need three to five "buy-ins" or mini-agreements to make a sale or advance the interview. What transpires is that the other party, by agreeing with you several times, will begin to talk themselves into recognizing that you are the best person suited for the job.

Remain truthful at all times, and do your best to appear and sound relaxed and happy. No one wants to hire someone who seems desperate for a job. Once you are on the premises of the hiring company, the job is no longer about you but about how you will help the company solve their problems.
This method of conducting meetings and interviews builds your brand on many levels. Among them, you demonstrate leadership, confidence and creativity, and these are traits usually sought after.

Applying these sales techniques to the interview will help you advance toward hearing "HIRED!"

Career Convention
In the last quarter of 2011, job seekers will be treated, at no charge, to an online career convention. It is a community effort arranged by companies and sponsors to help get Americans back to work. Upon gaining employment, remember that working on a grander level with others will enable you to enjoy far greater visibility and many "a smooth sale!"

This article reprinted in full without permission for the purposes of education and research, as permitted by Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Short and Simple Tips to Landing That Perfect Job in a World in Crisis

2008-what looked like the usual everyday sprinkle of bad news the world is so used to these days suddenly boomed into what we know now as the Global Financial Crisis. Millions were laid off in a year people were left jobless………

This translates as both good and bad news to the fresh graduate: this means that a lot of positions are open to the prospective job seeker and cheap, efficient worker -but this also means that companies are looking harder, assessing massive losses are forcing them now to look for the best people for a job.

What's true today is the market for available jobs is closing in on everyone, it's an increasingly smaller world as loose screws are tightened. How a job interview goes may determine your future in any career.
A number of things affect your success in getting your preferred job -educational background, impressive personal references, that perfect referral from a past employer, even how good your resume is written.

A popular mistake to make is thinking that there are jobs that don't require you to be impressive in the interview. Technical jobs, mechanical engineering, being a contributing writer, anything that doesn't have anything to do with public speaking -people assume that how you do in the interview doesn't factor in to your getting the job. Wrong. Wherever, whenever you apply, it's always important to be ready for anything and be able to present yourself nicely.

The point is, people often overlook how job interview skills factor into getting into your dream career.
There's a reason job interviews make your legs shake and your palms sweat. Interviewer's aren't supposed to be nice. It's a business theory and a lot of companies, especially multinationals, practice this. If you're resourceful enough, even just brave enough to pull through an interview by a shark, then maybe you're good enough to work for them.

A great resume can only get you so far, as with the right skills written there, or being the top of your class in MIT -all of these are nothing to a lot of companies if you can't even compose yourself in an interview.
Just getting there is already 99% of the chore; the remaining 1% is just pulling through. The problem is, that 1%, that last hurdle, that's the interview. It's sealing the deal. It's walking the talk. It may very well be the hardest remaining 1% you've had to endure through in your life. But that's how it's supposed to be.

The world, as used to hardship as it is, is choked in the middle of the biggest financial crisis it's faced -think, even before the global recession of 2008, jobs were already hard to find and get into, what now when companies are more selective?

What of the job interview strategies you've gathered over the years: looking your best, writing a good resume and attaching a wicked list of your accomplishments over the years -these methods are today overlooked by some companies.

Uniqueness is the key. A job seeker needs to constantly be on his toes. The market is tight as ever because companies can no longer afford loose screws. Make landing that dream job easier by getting professional job interview tips to get you the job interview skills you'll need to compete.

 By Jimmy Sweeney 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dream Job Could Come Without Dream Pay

While many of those surveyed in FINS' informal Sign or Declinequestion forum said it would be, experts say it doesn't pay off to look at a job offer through green-tinted glasses…….

About half of 658 respondents said they'd turn down a dream job if their compensation would be 25% below the industry average.

Jeff Neil, a career coach and counselor in New York City, said there are four factors most people weigh when they're considering an ideal job: They want to do something they're good at; something they're proud of; something they enjoy; and something that pays well. And "many will happily settle for three of the four," he said.

For many, money isn't everything.

"People need to understand that a job offer is more than the paper that says 'here's your position and pay,'" said Brent Longnecker, CEO and Chairman of Longnecker and Associates, a Houston-based compensation consultancy. "What can the company do for you, and what can you do for it? Will this position you better in the future?"
If it's your dream job, both Neil and Longnecker advise you take it -- even if it pays less than what you think you should be earning. "Do it to get the skills, connections, and experience that you can ultimately leverage into another position internally or externally," Neil said. "It's much easier to get your ideal job in the future if you've already had something similar in the past."
Unfortunately, "dream" jobs often turn out not to be as perfect as they initially seem. A low-ball offer might be indicative of other problems at the company.

"I'd be mindful of if the company is offering less money because they're in a tough position, such as a startup, or a company in a turnaround phase, where they can really only afford to pay 75% of the market rate, or if it's a company that doesn't value its staff and is trying to take advantage of it," said Neil.
Longnecker suggests that before accepting, investigate the turnover rate within the company, since it's a good indicator of the company's culture. A low-paying company with average employee tenures of two or three years should raise a red flag, he said.

"If they say they have a great culture, but they have a low average tenure, there's a contradiction," said Longnecker.

A company like Southwest Airlines, for instance, that's known for its employee-centric work environment, was the lowest-paying airline, according to Longnecker, who consulted on its compensation practices. Despite low pay, Southwest still boasted a 1.4% turnover rate.
"They had a great work culture, and took care of their employees," he said. He suggests researching a company's history of offering raises, promotions and bonuses, and if decisions are performance-based.

Long-Term Earnings
One big worry about accepting a low salary is how it might influence your pay at your next job. Will you forever be pinned at below-market rates?
Till von Wachter, a Columbia University economics professor, said last year during testimony before Congress that recent job-market entrants who accepted low-paying offers may suffer from reduced earnings for another 10 to 15 years.

While Neil and Longnecker say these are all reasonable concerns, both caution that it's not necessarily the reality. What it comes down to is correctly positioning your value as a candidate to your next employer.
"It can be as simple as communicating to a prospective employer, 'I accepted a position with XYZ corporation because it was an opportunity to develop professional skills, but I'm now at a point in my career where I'd like to use those skills and be paid an appropriate market rate,'" said Neil. "If you're really focused on communicating the value you'll deliver to the company, you'll get closer to what you deserve than if you focus on your fears of earning less."

Weighing sanity over salary is a point Longnecker believes is imperative to remember, especially when he considers his own employment history. "Early in my career, I thought everything was about work. I worked 100 hours a week and completely lost sight of everything," he said. "I make less money now, but I have a lot more fun and I'm a whole lot happier."

By Kelly Eggers

Friday, December 9, 2011

Emailing Your Resume: Creating Buyer Interest

We receive scores of resumes every week from all over North America and the world. Almost one-half of those submissions fail to properly serve the sender for very avoidable reasons…..

This article is meant to provide constructive ideas to increase the odds of your resume being considered for any given position.

Not saving a resume document in your own name.
Effect: The reader has to change the filename of your resume document to keep track of who and where you are in their system.
Imagine that you are a hiring manager, or a recruiter receiving dozens of resumes, and you receive a resume that has the filename: res.doc or cv.txt.You save the attachment to your desktop. Your boss or client wants to receive the resumes of likely candidates for a position. You also receive resumes from a Jane Smith and John Brown, also saved to your desktop. Which resume are you going to read first? Chances are, you’ll choose the one with the name. Many resume readers are not the final hiring manager. Assistants are often used to pre-screen submissions. These assistants do not want to spend any more time than is necessary on your document. Give the reader your name to refer to upfront without them having to change the filename.

Not saving a standard introductory letter in the Drafts folder  to use as needed: Leaving the message area blank.
Effect: The reader doesn't know who you are or why you are writing. Many spam or virus messages have no text in them. Combine this with a resume with no name on it and you are asking for the message to be deleted.
If you are taking the time and trouble to send a message, why not say something about yourself? If you save a standard message, which you can customize according to the position you are applying for, you can copy and paste a message in one or two clicks. You have now tripled your chances that your attachment will be opened.

Sending an attachment to be opened within another attachment.
Effect: The reader is very likely to delete the message without bothering to open the second attachment.
This is simply begging the reader to pass over your message. There is double the work involved in opening your double attachment (.eml) and with some readers, you will generate the fear of opening a potential virus. Not good.

Multiple document attachments saved to the same message. Two, three or even four different documents.
Effect: Two or three different operations (sometimes more) are then required to view all of the documents. Much time is wasted and that does not put the reader in your court.
It isn't necessary to put your resume on separate pages and save the documents individually. You defeat your purpose in doing this. Hiring managers prefer to have one document to open instead of two, three or four. Save the reader's time spent opening attachments and you increase the odds that you will be actively considered.

Not pasting a .txt version of your resume in the body of the email message.
Effect: You lessen the likelihood of being considered for a position because the reader cannot instantly assess if you have the minimum qualifications for the position.

Readers involved in the pre-selection process to weed out the keep and the discard piles are very reluctant to open any resume attachment that has a) no name, b) multiple attachments and c) no contact information in the email message. Remember, in order to be actively considered, you have to be visible to the reader. Instantly connect with the reader by pasting the resume text in the message and be absolutely ruthless in editing it. Edit the text so that every word serves to create interest. The average message is given maybe 20 seconds of initial viewing time. You have to capture the reader’s interest in a few short seconds. Keep a full resume for your attachment if you want to attach one. Use the email message itself to hit the keywords and phrases that relate to the position you are applying for. Make the text relevant.

Not using the Subject line effectively to concisely state your case and provide contact information.
Effect: Blank subject lines may convey the impression of a lack of preparation or interest in providing to the reader a reason to view and assess the information.
The subject line is your first opportunity to command attention and stand out from the crowd. Use the subject line to identify why you are writing in a few, short words. Note your main telephone contact there also to make it easier to contact you.

Sending your resume in non-standard formats: .wpd, .xls, .tiff, .jpg or .pdf
Effect: If the recipient doesn’t have your particular program installed, they won’t be able to open and read it, and the message will possibly be deleted. If you send a large size attachment like a tiff, you run the real risk of having your message stopped by AAT (Automated Applicant Tracking) software. These cyber sentinels will often disallow a large attachment (more than 100KB or so) to enter the company’s mail system and may tag it as spam or a potential virus or Trojan. If that happens, you have just guaranteed that your message will be deleted.

Summary: You generally have only one shot at capturing the reader’s attention and generating buyer interest. If you send a message with little identifying information, you run the risk of being overlooked. Say something about yourself; provide immediately accessible contact information, and let the reader assess your skills and qualifications upon clicking on your message. You will build credibility, interest and achieve your goal to be noticed, remembered and contacted.

by Kevin T. Buckley, CPC

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Seeking Employment Online - Is Fear a Factor?

Does the thought of posting your resume online and exposing yourself to hundreds of thousands of Internet users give you white knuckles? If so, your fears are founded……

 According to the FBI, identity theft is the number one fraud perpetrated on the Internet. So how do job seekers protect themselves while continuing to circulate their resumes online? The key to a successful online job search is learning to manage the risks. Here are some tips for staying safe while conducting a job search on the Internet.

1. Check for a privacy policy.
If you are considering posting your resume online, make sure the job search site you are considering has a privacy policy, like The policy should spell out how your information will be used, stored and whether or not it will be shared. You may want to think twice about posting your resume on a site that automatically shares your information with others. You could be opening yourself up for unwanted calls from solicitors.

When reviewing the site's privacy policy, you'll be able to delete your resume just as easily as you posted it. You won't necessarily want your resume to remain out there on the Internet once you land a job. Remember, the longer your resume remains posted on a job board, the more exposure, both positive and not-so-positive, it will receive.

2. Take advantage of site features.
Legitimate job search sites offer levels of privacy protection. Before posting your resume, carefully consider your job search objectives and the level of risk you are willing to assume., for example, offers three levels of privacy from which job seekers can choose. The first is standard posting. This option gives job seekers who post their resumes the most visibility to the broadest employer audience possible.

The second is anonymous posting. This allows job seekers the same visibility as those in the standard posting category without any of their contact information being displayed. Job seekers who wish to remain anonymous but want to share some other information may choose which pieces of contact information to display.

The third is private posting. This option allows job seekers to post their resumes without having it searched by employers. Private posting allows job seekers to quickly and easily apply for jobs that appear on without retyping their information.

3. Safeguard your identity.
Career experts say that one of the ways job seekers can stay safe while using the Internet to search out jobs is to conceal their identities. Replace your name on your resume with a generic identifier such as:

Confidential Candidate
Intranet Developer Candidate
Confidential Resume: Experienced Marketing Representative

You should also consider eliminating the name and location of your current employer. Depending on your title, it may not be all that difficult to determine who you are once the name of your company is provided. Use a general description of the company such as:

Major auto manufacturer
International packaged goods supplier
Confidential employer

If your job title is unique, consider using the generic equivalent instead of the exact title assigned by your employer.

4. Establish an email address for your search.
Another way to protect your privacy while seeking employment online is to open up a mail account specifically for your online job search. This will safeguard your existing email box in the event someone you don't know gets a hold of your email address and shares it with others. Using a dedicated email address specifically for your job search also eliminates the possibility that you will receive unwelcome email solicitations in your primary mailbox. When naming your new email address, be sure it is nondescript and that it doesn't contain references to your name or other information that will give away your identity. The best solution is an email address that is relevant to the job you are seeking such as

5. Protect your references.
If your resume contains a section with the names and contact information for your references, take it out. There's no sense in safeguarding your information while sharing private contact information for your references.

6. Keep confidential information confidential.
Do not, under any circumstances, share your social security, driver's license, and bank account numbers or other personal information, such as marital status or eye color. Credible employers do not need this information with an initial application. Don't provide this even if they say they need it in order to conduct a background check. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book - don't fall for it. Most legitimate employers don't do background checks until they have met with you, conducted an extensive interview process, and decided you're the ideal candidate. Even then, you need only provide limited information. Contact an attorney if you still have concerns. 

Kate Lorenz, 

Monday, December 5, 2011

No One Likes Rejection. Here's a Great Way to Make it Work in Your Favor

You just reached the end of your phone screen or your interview and the news is not what you wanted to hear. So this individual be they a hiring manager, recruiter, or human resources person, will not be hiring you nor will they be bringing you in for a future interview…….

End of the road, right? Well, not so fast.

Nobody likes rejection, but here is one time when you can make simple human emotion work in your favor. You can use a recruiter's secret that makes rejection work in Your Favor and puts new momentum in your job search.

Here is the situation:
You just had a conversation with someone who
  1. is a likely fountain of information about the industry.
  2. already knows a little about your background and the fact that you showed incentive by either calling or inquiring about a specific opportunity.
  3. would like to end the conversation on a positive note.
In short, you've got them right where you want them, especially at point (c.) above. So don't slink off the phone or out of their office without taking full advantage of your power. This is your golden opportunity to get further information for your job search. After all, you've earned it.
Remember, people usually want to help other people. It's a basic human emotion. When someone can help someone else in a small easy way, they will be glad to do so. All you have to do is ASK.

So ask a parting question such as:
"Is there someone else in the company that (is hiring, could use someone with my skills)?" or,
"Are there other divisions or sister companies that might need people like myself?" or
"What other companies in your niche should I also consider?" or
"Who do you know in the business community that I might introduce myself to?"
Make a list of these questions beforehand. Put them in your own words and pick the one or two that you feel the most comfortable with. Write these as part of your phone script and keep them handy when you’re on the phone. Commit them to memory and use them.

Bonus Tip: In parting, ask to leave your phone number with this individual in case they should come across another lead in the future and want to call you.

You will be amazed at the amount of support you get when you just ask. When you get a lead, thank them and always ask if you may use their name when you call in to speak with their referral.

By Joe Turner 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Career Change Strategies At Work

Labor costs can be slashed 90% by moving your job to a foreign land. As they say, your number has suddenly shown up on the "delete" screen….

First, don't get MAD, it shows up as a weakness in your psychic. Take a deep breath; look around, you're not alone; think about the BIGGER picture, even if it's fuzzy right now. Things will get brighter as your head clears up to see the many possibilities awaiting in your future.

Immediately, your thoughts RUSH beyond control and the mouth spouts out wrong vibs. Stay calm in spite of everything that's happening to you at this moment. It's not the time to freak out, save that until later.
Observe all that's going on around you. Notice how your co-workers are responding, help them to remain calm and think long-term. Your job or position is NOT you, even though many of us can't turn loose of titles and the perks we enjoy with the BIG daddy company in our life.

Let it GO!! Maybe today is a good time to go fishing; go bird hunting; or take the kids to a movie.... go to the park; go shopping. My favorite is to take a ride on the bright RED Harley sitting in my garage, maybe yours is the Honda Goldwing outback. Have some fun for a few days to clear out the cobwebs, it will do wonders for your perspective on life.

You've got to be careful. One big word of caution .... don't sign ANY papers until YOUR legal counsel comes to your aid. Too many X-employees think their upstanding employer would never fail them. You can be sure the BIG boss at the top, making $18 million a year, is very concerned about YOU and your welfare. Everyone laugh!!

Usually, there's a sugar plum to be plucked. Don't lay down and roll over to accept anything you're offered to leave quietly. Here's $5K or $10K, whatever it is, be sure there may be more if you kick a little.... just don't sign now. A little negotiating skill can go a long way, so take your time.

Values in the marketplace have changed. People, at least it seems to me, are no longer protected in their jobs, or career path. All of us are expendable if the almight dollar can be saved for the stockholders, the owners, or the big cheese at the top. Profits have become KING in the marketplace.

Some folks never recover from being terminated by an employer. It's an affront to their well being; pride; devestating to the ego; embarrassing and more. You must rise above these reactions of self-pride and see a better future. One day you'll look back and wonder why you didn't leave the losers sooner.

There's much to do, so don't waste time having a pitty party. When your paycheck stops, the bills keep coming. It's frightening, but you can't freeze in place. Life is still going on and the longer you delay taking ACTION, the worse it will get before things are better at your house. Begin today, sort it all out now.

Seek out those who can help. Get your network moving; find sources that know where the jobs are.... in key industries that are growing in your area.

This article reprinted in full without permission for the purposes of education and research, as permitted by Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.