Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Some tips for part time job searchers

Some teenagers would like to be able to get a job and earn money. Since these individuals are still in school, the next best thing to getting a real job is getting one that is part time.When applying for a part time job, here are some tips one must remember when going up to a potential employer…….

 One must prepare a resume when applying for part time work. Even if the person does not have experience, it will show the employer that a little effort was made on the part of the applicant in producing something on paper. The resume may contain highlights or strengths about the applicant which could make the applicant stand out over other people that have applied for the same position and in the end get that job.

 When meeting an employer, being dressed appropriately is important. It shows the sincerity one has in applying for the job. One must be that finger-nails and hair are well groomed for the interview. The outfit worn could be business casual. A polo and khaki pants will be ideal for men and a polo and skirt for the women will do well for the interview. This would mean that moderate shoes must be used to match the outfit. If one wears a lot of earrings, it is advisable to remove some to present the person better.

 Getting a job is not easy and there will be a lot of times that the employer will say “no.” This is nothing personal but some employers will prefer someone who has some experience. Even if one is rejected, the person must not give up in getting that part time and move on to the next potential employer.

 When one is already in front of the employer, a firm handshake is always a good start. Walking in and showing ones sincerity in getting the job is another. There is only so much one say in interview so it is best to practice in selling to the person the strengths one possesses in order to get that job.

 In the course of going from one employer to another, the employer will not give the answer at once if the person is hired or not. Other applicants will still be interviewed before making that decision. By keeping a list of the places where one went for interview, one will be able to call and follow up the status of the application.

Part time jobs are available in various places. One might find one while walking in the neighborhood, checking the school bulletin board or local paper and even the web for job postings.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Some Steps For InCreasing Self Confidence At Work

If there's one skill out there that will help out just about anyone in the workplace, it's having self-confidence…..
 Sure, you can call it by another name -- optimism or faith or trust -- but when all's said and done, it's self-confidence that's going to be the foundation that you can build your career upon.

The first step to building self-confidence is to take a good look at yourself. I'm not talking about seeing yourself the way that you think you are -- I'm talking about seeing yourself the way you really are. A great deal of people will see themselves as being a lot less than they truly are. The key here is to be honest -- don't just look at your shortcomings. Look at your strong points, as well. You'll probably find there are more of them there than you realize.

One key to building self-confidence is to cultivate optimism. An optimistic person will look at a problem as a challenge to be overcome -- and they'll bring the energy to it needed to accomplish that. A pessimistic person will look at a problem as an obstacle that they can't get around. Make sure that you don't dwell on the negatives when you're dealing with a situation. Rather, focus on the positives.

You've heard the term self-fulfilling prophecy. Well, it's time for you to come up with a new self-fulfilling prophecy. Believe me, there are many ways that you can succeed in solving a problem if you come at it with the right attitude. Also, it's been shown that people who are negative have health issues throughout their lives -- as if all that negative thinking were flowing into their bodies. Don't let that happen to you. The next time you run into a problem, tell yourself, "There is a way to do this and I'm going to find it!"

Another way to help your self-confidence is the old Nike adage -- Just do it! When there's a challenge at work that you need to overcome, rather than standing there and coming up with a thousand reasons why you can't do it, just attack the problem. Yes, there might be some initial moments of hesitation, but you'll be surprised at how quickly you get into the thick of things and real progress starts to get made.

Case in point: At one time, there was a project that had been given to me that was huge. It was so huge that it was daunting to me. And whenever I had a few minutes that I could have been working on it, I'd put it off to the side, until I had the time that I needed to really devote myself to solving it. Finally, my supervisor came over to me and told me that I had forty-eight hours to get it done or else there would be consequences. I immediately sat down and got to work on it -- and to my utter amazement, I was finished with it in less than ten hours.

This leads us to another way to build self-confidence -- find your focus. When you have a project that just seems like it's going to swallow you whole, take a deep breath and focus yourself on what needs to be done. If you listen to a lot of great motivational speakers, they'll tell you all about something called the power of focus. Believe me -- when you work on attaining that particular skill, you'll be well on your way to really standing out in the workplace.

Something else that works well on helping with self-confidence is to find a workplace mentor. A friend of mine was working with a guy that he really admired and he found himself studying the man, learning everything there was to learn about how he presented himself, how he interacted with others, etc. My friend discovered that from all of his study he had started to develop those same qualities in himself -- and he was able to incorporate them into his workplace routine.

And lastly, you can undergo some assertiveness training. It can be something small -- something that normally you would let slide because you didn't want to create a problem. When that opportunity comes along, rather than backing down from it, accept the challenge and get satisfaction from it. Studies have shown that simply by accepting a few assertiveness challenges that are presented in life (and don't worry -- they'll come along every day!) and overcoming them, self-confidence will increase.

Remember that none of this is going to be easy and none of it is going to be quick -- but if you stick with it and apply yourself each and every day, you'll soon find that you are well on your way to becoming more of the person that you want to be.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Strategies to Getting your Required Salary

When a company starts to consider you seriously, you should begin to think about the negotiation. What do you want? What are you prepared to accept? How badly do you want the job?......

Negotiations can conclude in one of four ways:
1. You can negotiate and get everything you want.
2. You can negotiate and get half of what you want.
3. The company can stand firm with its offer and make no effort to negotiate.
4. The company can withdraw its original offer.

Think about which outcomes you are or are not comfortable with. That way when you sit down to talk compensation, you'll know what you will and will not accept.

What else can you do to ensure the best results? Here are some additional tips:

Choose Your Top Offers
If you have more than one or two offers, you may have a few lower-choice offers to turn down. It's not a good idea to test your negotiating skills with a company you don't plan to work for, because word could get back to the companies you do want to work for. Instead, practice negotiating with a friend or a colleague. If you need more time to make a decision on an offer, call your prospective employer sooner rather than later and arrange for another week or two to decide.

Establish Your Priorities and Walk Away
With the offer letter in hand, you need to evaluate the salary and benefits (plus intangibles) in light of your own needs and market value. What are your fixed expenses? Keep in mind that a job in Portland, Ore. might pay less than one in New York, but you'll make more once you factor in cost of living.

Do Your Research
The more information you have about compensation scales for the job and industry you're looking into, and the more you know about negotiation, the better off you'll be in the negotiation. Get your hands on whatever comparative salary data you can find to reinforce your position. Business publications, trade associations and professional organizations publish annual pay surveys and a good college or public librarian should be able to help you find this data.

Understand Your Negotiating Position
One headhunter compares the job hunt with dating: "In the course of your interviews, it will become apparent how much they want you. If they are very prompt with the offer letter, call to see whether you received it, offer to fly you out again, offer a high signing bonus and generally lavish attention on you, it means that they want you and your negotiating position is strong. Conversely, you may be a second or third choice if you get the offer letter some time after your interview, it's obviously a form letter, the signing bonus is low or you have trouble making a follow-up appointment with the hiring manager." The message: Know whether it's an employers' or a candidates' market.

Meet Your Hiring Manager in Person
It's easier to influence the job description and find creative solutions on how to meet your specific needs when you deal with the hiring manager in person. He or she will have more room for flexibility (particularly if the firm really wants you). Besides, this is a person you will be working with later. In the salary negotiation meeting, express your enthusiasm for the job.

 Then lay out your points (not more than three, unless you have a darned good reason), starting with the most important. Your goal is to present your case for a better package in a rational, non-confrontational way, basing your arguments on industry standards, rather than on your personal needs. If you're serious about going to work for them, tell them that you'll sign on if they can clear up this, this and this point -- and stand by what you say.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Choose your favourite career and enjoy your life

Choosing a career based only on expected job growth or making big bucks could leave you as disappointed as being stood up on a blind date. Instead, turn your loveless career search into one infused with passion and excitement this year. Here is what it takes…….

We can't all be interior designers, chefs, authors, or other types of professionals whose jobs represent our beloved hobbies. But assess what interests, motivates, and excites you by noting what you enjoy doing, watching, and reading over a month-long period.

You will find out what your passion is and what your capabilities are. That would lead you to be more successful says Joseph Paterno, director of the Southwest Florida Workforce Development Board, which operates career centers that provide individuals access to training, education, and employment.

Act as your own personal job matchmaker by considering the type of work and job skills that could lead to fulfillment with job projection and salary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, your state government, and other sources. Taking personality assessments, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, can also help you find the perfect career fit, just like in a relationship.

Gregory S. Palermo, a professor and interim director of architecture at Iowa State University, shares that the ability to make a difference can also drive a career choice. Students choose architecture for various reasons -- not least among them is that they believe life can be improved through better design of the built environment.
Daters have embraced the Internet with the growth in dating sites, so don't hesitate to use the same matchmaking approach to fuel your next professional affair. you can uncover irresistible opportunities and shift to a new career.

Look at your next career as a monogamous relationship. Forget the idea of playing the field, where you might dabble in a variety of professions at the same time. Instead, say I do to lifelong learning in one particular industry.

Show your commitment by pursuing a certificate, diploma, associate, or bachelor's degree from trade schools, community colleges, online universities, and/or public and private colleges and universities. Greg Wagner, internship director/lecturer at the University of Denver's Daniels College of Business, suggests looking at schools that have a strong track record of internships and helping students land jobs in their field.

It's hard to kill time waiting for that phone call, text, e-mail, or Facebook message asking for a second date. Make a move toward your own happy ending in your career by going ahead and taking a continuing education course in the industry you're considering. Just like you make time for someone you love, free up some room in your schedule for a new career by working in the field part-time or volunteering. If you're really passionate about animals, for example, volunteer in some of the shelters. Take a look and truly find if that is something you want to do. What part of that [field] do you want to be in? Paterno says. You'll learn whether it is a professional relationship worth pursuing.

By taking these steps early in your career search, the rewards could be greater than digging into a big heart-shaped box of chocolates.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Make A Stress Free Talk With Your Boss

Whether you have good relationship with your boss but requesting a raise, asking for help managing projects and admitting a mistake can make many worker's  in trouble…..

While few look forward to these conversations, they are easier to navigate than you might think. Proper preparation can tame even the toughest talk. Here is some advice that can help the next time you make the long walk to your boss's office.

 Before rushing to your boss and demanding a bump in pay, it's important that you build a case for why you deserve increased compensation. Prepare a list of recent accomplishments that show how you've helped increase profits, improved efficiencies or saved costs to support your cause. Be as specific as possible. If you're in sales, for example, note your year-over-year account comparisons, quarterly highlights and client wins.

 Also find out how much other individuals with your qualifications are being paid in the local market. Many career Web sites, professional associations and staffing services such as Robert Half International publish information about current compensation trends.

 It's also necessary to choose the right time to speak with your manager. Make sure the company can afford to offer raises, that it hasn't recently announced layoffs, for example, and when setting up the meeting, let your supervisor know what you want to discuss so he or she is not caught off guard.

Lastly, during the meeting, keep the conversation friendly, even if you two don't see eye-to-eye. After all, in the end, the discussion is between two colleagues working on a single problem: how best to reward your hard work.

The mountain of paperwork on your desk hasn't shrunk an inch in more than a month. And every time you finish a project, it seems like two more are passed your way. Each day you fall further behind and wonder how you'll ever complete all your tasks.

The key in situations like this is to alert your boss at the first sign of trouble. He or she is likely relying on clues from you when assigning projects and will assume your workload is manageable if you continue to remain silent. But the longer you wait, the higher the risk of missed deadlines, poor quality work and burnout.

With your manager's assistance, you can pinpoint the source of difficulty and devise strategies for overcoming it. For example, if it's taking you longer than expected to complete research for a project, your boss may be able to extend the deadline or provide you with additional resources that will make the task easier. Similarly, your supervisor may delegate some of your responsibilities to others or provide you with guidance on how to better manage your time. Often there are simple solutions that you and your boss can identify together.

As frightening as it is to realize that you've made a big mistake at work, the truth is that goofs and blunders happen every day, and they can happen to anyone. What's important is not your error but how you recover from it.

 Approach your boss immediately to admit your mistake and let him or her know what you are doing to rectify the situation. For example, if you submitted a report and later discovered the figures you quoted were inaccurate, explain how you are contacting the departments that use the information to correct the data.

 Rather than pass the blame to someone or something else, take full responsibility for the matter and express your genuine regret. Then, let your supervisor know what steps you are taking to ensure that it won't occur again.

While you still may not look forward to approaching your boss about a raise, admitting you need help managing your projects or confessing to a mistake, open communication and a proactive approach can help make these conversations easier and, ultimately, more successful.

Monday, February 20, 2012

How Can You Handel Group Interview

Interviewing multiple candidates at once also provides employers the opportunity to observe how individuals behave when under pressure in a group setting……

A multiple-person interview may seem more nerve-racking than a one-on-one meeting, but it's a prime opportunity to showcase your strong leadership, communication and teamwork skills. Here are some tips to help you shine:

Before any interview, list three characteristics associated with the job description and prepare to demonstrate that you possess them during the session. For example, if you're interviewing for an event coordinator position, you might recount a conference you helped organize at the last minute to highlight your exceptional time-management and multitasking abilities.

A group interview can involve multiple job candidates, as well as multiple hiring managers. So, once the meeting begins, try to read the different personality types in the room. Don't assume the person who is quietly observing possesses no clout; often, the least talkative person is the ultimate decision maker. You can get a sense of the hierarchy by observing whom your interviewers make eye contact with as they speak; typically, employees will watch for their managers' reactions to what they are saying. Regardless of who appears to be in charge, show equal respect and professionalism to everyone in the room, including other applicants.

If the interview is structured as an open dialogue, make sure your voice is heard -- but never at the expense of interrupting others, which is a sign of poor sportsmanship. If you have something meaningful to say and someone else is speaking, wait your turn. At the same time, avoid dominating the conversation -- another sign of poor team play.

Because there are multiple people being interviewed, you may not have much time to formulate your responses to questions posed by an interviewer. If others start chiming in, and you're still considering your answer, resist the urge to immediately insert your thoughts; a poorly phrased answer can do more damage than saying nothing at all.

With more than one person vying for the spotlight, don't be surprised if someone makes your point first. If this happens, think of a statement that adds to the conversation; this will show the hiring manager you can listen well and think on your feet.

During a group interview, a hiring manager may split the group into small teams and assign a hypothetical problem or case for each to resolve. In these situations, the interviewer is likely looking to see who takes charge, how well the person delegates tasks and how the other members react to his or her leadership. The hiring manager might also observe how well individuals improvise, use their reasoning powers to win others over, and give and receive criticism.

Interviewers often favor candidates who ask meaningful questions because quizzing a prospective employer shows that applicants are genuinely interested in the organization and have done their research. Posing insightful questions is also an easy way to stand out in a group interview, since some candidates will likely arrive unprepared. To develop thoughtful questions, study the job description and research the company beforehand.

Preparing for a group interview is very similar to getting ready for a traditional one-on-one interview. The key to succeeding, however, is acknowledging the other applicants, and then acting strategically to distinguish yourself as the candidate of choice. If you can do this in a professional and polished way, you may be chosen for a follow-up interview or the job itself.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Is internship important in job search?

Internships, however, are not just for students.   These days, internships are in high demand by people of many ages and professional levels because they often lead to full-time employment…..

Increasingly, students and professionals alike are finding that internships help them in the job market. Tony, for example, wants to work in the film industry.  While taking some college classes in film production, he secured an internship with a studio that was filming in Michigan.  Even though it was an unpaid internship, he felt it would be worthwhile because of the experience and industry contacts he would gain.  Tony  added his internship work to his resume, and since then has had six paid jobs working as an assistant location manager on movie projects.

A recent survey reported that the majority of employers (59%) who plan to hire interns are likely to hire them for full-time permanent positions.  Mid-level executives are finding that internships can lead them to a job.  For example, Michelle (age 40) transitioned from book publishing to digital media through an unpaid internship.

An internship can benefit you it the following ways:

-Allow you to reality test if a certain area of work would fit you well;

-Provide you with experience and new skills that you can add to your resume;

-Let employers have an extended view of your work to see the benefits of hiring you full time;

-Give you contacts that can lead to job openings;

In a tough economy an internship can give you an upper hand in finding work that fits you God-given design.

If you can't find the right internship through online databases like the ones above, you can use to search for people who are in jobs you might like to have in the future. Even if you find someone who is a 2nd or 3rd level connection, you can ask for an introduction from your 1st level connections. When you talk with this person, you can explain that you are interested in what they do and wonder if there would be the possibility of an internship at their organization. If they don't have this type of option available, they may be able to refer you to someone who does.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Magic tips for an unexpected job interview

Most job-seekers wait to polish up their interview skills until they are looking for a new position.Unplanned internal job openings: You encounter a sudden opportunity to advance your career from within, and your boss recommends you as a candidate for the job.Are you ready to communicate your contributions to the company?....

 A former colleague introduces you to his boss:The organization is building an exciting new division and looking for new staff. Can you entice the boss's interest in you as a must-have new team member?

 Those who continually grow in their careers are always prepared for these situations. Their interview skills are sharp at all times. To know if your skills are sharp enough to handle a surprise interview, see if you can answer the following four questions:

 1. Can you concisely state your value proposition in 30 seconds or less? A value proposition is meant to intrigue your listener with a quick overview of your skills, expertise, and industry know-how. If you can offer a precise summary of why you are the perfect candidate for that job, you are more likely to get to the second or third interview. A concise value proposition can make a critical difference in winning you a new position.

2. Can you list your top five accomplishments, and can you communicate their impact to your employer's bottom-line initiatives? A list of your top accomplishments will enable a prospective employer to imagine what you can do for he organization. Accomplishments give employers a way to associate your skills with their needs and a reason to remember you. Be prepared to list your top skills and show how they can help meet corporate needs.

3. Are you prepared to answer your own toughest interview questions, or do you hope they just won't come up? Don't leave yourself vulnerable to such questions as: "If you're doing so well in your job, why do you want to leave?" A good recruiter or hiring manager will see you sweat and stutter and squirm; you'll lose their confidence and destroy a chance to get your dream job. Think about the questions that will be your biggest pitfalls and be prepared to answer them.

4. Do you know how to find out your interviewer's motivations to understand how best to answer his or her questions? This is a very important question. Without knowing your interviewer's motivations, how will you know if your answers hit the mark of what he or she is looking for in a perfect candidate? Conduct research and determine exactly what that employer needs. Once you have those answers in hand, you can target your interview answers accordingly.

A good career coach can help you answer all these questions and more, preparing you for the interviews you plan -- and the interview you didn't expect. With those answers in hand, you can take your career from mediocre to marvelous with always-ready interview skills.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How can you describe non permanent jobs on your resume

Based on today’s ever-changing and tight job market, it is not unusual to see non permanent jobs on a resume. Short term jobs might raise a red flag for employers. Short term jobs could be contract positions or permanent jobs……..

 The first rule of thumb when applying for a job is to never lie on your resume. If you put information on a document and submit it for consideration for employment, it better be valid information. There is nothing worse than being offered a job only to have that offer rescinded when your background is thoroughly checked.

The second rule of thumb when applying for a job is to never bad mouth a previous employer or company. Bad mouthing creates negative feelings in an interview or conversation and will almost always cost you the job offer. Keep your negative opinions to yourself.

With these rules in mind, let’s look at the various ways you can allay an employer’s fear about short term positions on your resume. One oft forgotten method of avoiding concerns over short term employment is to leave that job off of your resume. While not always the best solution, this is one possible way to avoid any concerns.

If asked about the gap in employment you can say that you worked a short-term contract job that did not contribute to your overall experience and you did not want to record it on your resume.

Short term contracts are easily explained by either mentioning that you took the position to get experience in a certain area or by explaining that no matter what, you must always work and this was the only position available at the time. You can further qualify the second reason by saying that you are responsible for providing for your family and will do that no matter what. While not the greatest way to explain a short term contract, it does allow you to demonstrate to the prospective employer that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

While these types of jobs are harder to explain away with a simple statement, there is almost always something you can come with about the job that would warrant you leaving. Things like software piracy, illegal activities and sexually abusive superiors are reasons that any employer will understand. However, do not use them lightly.

You can also use reasons like: after evaluating their business model, I was sure they would be out of business in six months, the corporate culture was one that did not coincide with my attitude of teamwork and mutual achievement, and my job responsibilities did not match what I was hired for and I did not sign up for a secretarial position.

All in all, you need to evaluate the position in question and find the most viable and least offensive reason why you left the company. Once you decide, use that excuse consistently in all of your correspondence with potential employers. You never know when one hiring manager might know another from a different company.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Dadicate all your love and passion to your job

Before we entered into this historic recession, it was easy to leave a job you didn't love. All you had to do was knock on the door of another employer and you could begin work the next week. Those days are gone and most likely will not return anytime soon. But that doesn't mean you have to be miserable in the job you have…..

Here are some tips on how to love the job you have.

No one's life is perfect. Not even the lives of people who star on those sitcoms you watch. It is OK to have a bad day, week or even month at work. Just be sure the good days outweigh the bad.

Focus on what is going well at the office. Is your work still challenging? Could a promotion be in your future? Do you enjoy the people you work with? A yes to any of these questions means you have positive energy you can build upon.

Sometimes it is one issue or person that makes a great job a not-so-great one. If this is the case, then it's time to clear the air. Write down some examples of how this situation is impacting your ability to perform at an optimal level. Then share your findings with the person or people involved.

It is human nature to boast or exaggerate a bit. People around you may be saying they love their jobs, but in reality they may be in the same position as you -- waiting for the next thing to come along. Take what people are saying about their jobs with a grain of salt and focus on your own happiness.

Right now it may feel like you have no choice but to keep this job forever. However, this won't be the case if you play your cards right. Use this recession as an opportunity to increase your options. Enroll in evening or online classes, volunteer to work on projects with high visibility and gain the experience you will need to move to a new place in your career. Who knows? This may just be the spark you need to reignite the flames of love again in the job you have.

Enjoying your work should only be one part of having a life that you love. If your job is the only thing that brings joy to your life, then perhaps it's time to focus on having a life outside of work. Look for opportunities to participate in activities that are of interest to you. Volunteer, take up a new sport or get a hobby. These are all great ways to build a life that you can love.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What are some resume blunders you have made?

Recruiters spend countless hours reviewing resumes and screening candidates. In fact, they spend so much time scanning resumes that they can often do it in a minute or less…….

As disappointing as that may be, given all the hard work you put into your resume, it's the unfortunate reality. And with such a small amount of time to make an impression, it's no wonder that they occasionally get it wrong. You may have been the perfect person for the position, but because you failed to successfully package yourself, your resume and your chances end up meeting their demise with the click of a mouse. Read on to learn the top four reasons your resume may end up in a recycle bin or trash folder.

Have you ever read a magazine article, short story, blog, etc., and thought, Get to the point already? Recruiters have the same response when they read over a three-page resume. Nine times out of 10 they will probably just move it to the rejection stack.

Your resume is not meant to be an exhaustive list of every job you've ever held, every award you have ever received, and every training program, club or activity you have ever attended. To make the best impression and have the best chance of making the cut, highlight those things on your resume that are most important to the position at hand.

Don't be afraid to use different resumes for different positions. Taking a few extra minutes on your end to tailor your resume could mean the difference between the hiring manager or the trash being the next recipient of your application.
If you are over- or under-qualified for a position, have a varied work history, or have skills that aren't highlighted on your resume, a cover letter is essential. While you may know your full life story, a recruiter does not.

What may appear as flaws in your experience may be explainable because you were trailing a spouse or taking time off to care for your family.

A one-size-fits-all resume may not explain why you are interested in and qualified for a position that isn't an exact match to your prior roles.

In addition, you may be seeking to return to a staff role from a management role due to personal reasons. It is important to professionally highlight this in your cover letter vs. leaving it to the recruiter's imagination that you can't handle the role, are facing termination, or are desperate.
We've all been there. We have reviewed a piece of writing, a proposal or, worse yet, our resume a million times and think it's perfect. For whatever reason, our eyes and spellchecker let us down, and we miss the blunder.

One of the biggest and most frequent reasons that people fail to be noticed is that their resume lacks a job-details-vs.-results orientation. No matter how many big words you use to describe your job duties, if you fail to identify your contributions to past organizations, you may be passed over.

Companies want to know that they are getting value for their buck in today's market. It isn't enough just to be qualified for a position. They are looking for employees who can hit the ground running and make contributions fast. By highlighting how you have added to the success of a past employer, you are likely to catch a recruiter's eye and make it to the top of the pile.
What are some resume blunders you have made?

Friday, February 10, 2012

How can you get interview through resume

Your resume is your personal representative to a potential employer. You need it to clearly communicate the skills and attributes you have that make you a good fit for the position you want. Remember, though, that the purpose of a resume is to generate interest in you as a job candidate so that the employer will want to meet you in person and conduct an interview…….

In other words, your resume should not contain every piece of information you want the employer to know about you. It only needs to contain the pieces of information necessary to convince them that you should receive an interview.

The right information
So what is the right information? The answer to that depends on the job position and the employer. Look through the posting very carefully to determine exactly what skills and attributes are required and what skills and attributes are desired. These are the key points you need to include in your resume.

Do not use the same resume over and over for different jobs. You must tailor the resume to fit the specific position of interest so that the employer can see at a glance that you are a good candidate.

The right format
The format you use to present your key information points will depend on several things. If you have a great deal of experience in the same field as the potential job, a straightforward chronological resume is usually sufficient to effectively communicate your qualifications to the employer. If you are changing job fields, have gaps in your work history, or otherwise would not appear as qualified with a chronological format, opt instead for a combination format.

The right length
In most cases, your resume should not exceed two pages, and one page is usually even better. This does not mean using narrow margins and a small font size to get as many words on the page as possible. This does mean, however, editing and polishing your words to be concise and precise so that you can convey information with maximum impact and minimum number of words

The right follow up
As nice as it would be to just send your resume and wait for the phone to ring, in the real world that rarely happens. Even the best resume needs to be accompanied by appropriate follow up from you. Make a point of contacting the recipient in a timely fashion to ensure your materials were received, and make a personal connection that leaves a positive impression with the potential employer.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cover letter works in career change

So, you've come to that point in your career when you realize this is not what you want to be doing for the rest of your working life…..

 A career change can be a very stressful and challenging adventure. The challenge is translating all those skills and experiences you have acquired in one career into relevant selling points for another.

Your resume will outline your professional experience and qualifications but it is your cover letter that will take that information and relate it to a new career. There are a number of fundamental attributes that are transferable across all careers. Qualities such as professionalism, dedication, commitment and reliability are easily presented in a cover letter. Other practical qualities such as communication, problem solving, working as part of a team and using initiative are also transferable across careers.

 Whatever your experiences you will have skills that are transferable across jobs, the trick is in marketing those skills.

A professional cover letter will showcase your abilities in relation to relevant job specific requirements. This is an effective way to introduce potential employers to the ways in which you can assist them in meeting their company goals.

Cover letters can help make the transition a little smoother by outlining your new job objectives, highlighting the relevant qualities and experiences you have gained in other jobs and relating them to what you can achieve in a new position.

Many people in this position find it difficult to show how past experiences are relevant to their new career direction. In reality, many of the qualities you have picked up along the way in various jobs will be highly valuable to any position. It is important to show how you have contributed to your past employers success in a tangible way, this can be done in a cover letter. Potential employers want to know how your work has specifically impacted on the growth and development of previous companies you have worked for.

You can promote your candidacy in a new career using the skills and experiences you already have. You just need to bring it all together in clear and concise way and the cover letter is your best bet in this regard. A well-crafted introduction letter will grab the attention of potential employers, present your unique qualities and give them an insight into your personality. Most importantly, it will let employers know exactly what you achieved in the past and what you can offer their company.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Is Important In Resume Writing

Your resume is your personal portfolio, a written representative of your skills and attributes that must communicate effectively to a potential employer. It should clearly demonstrate your qualifications and show the employer why and how it will benefit them to hire you.

Creating a resume such as this requires some thought and effort on your part, but will be easier for you if you keep in mind these essentials of resume writing.
Use active language
Your resume should be filled with active language that communicates your enthusiasm and your accomplishments to a potential employer. When you use words that show strong action on your part, the employer gains a better understanding of your strengths and abilities.

Give results
The most effective resumes include the job seekers accomplishments as well as the results they achieved. This helps a potential employer better understand what action was taken, what result occurred, and what skill or attribute was used. The employer then can draw inferences about how well the job seeker's skills and attributes fit with the needs of the job posting.

Here are two examples of resume statements that show both action and results:
Directed integration planning for merging two engineering departments, resulting in favorable employee morale and zero missed deadlines during the transition period.

Make the screener's job easy
When a potential employer solicits resumes for a job posting, it is not unusual for the human resources department to receive up to several hundred resume responses. Someone has to screen all of those documents, and the screener will literally not have time to read each one in depth and in detail. Instead, he or she will scan each resume looking for the key requirements and minimum qualifications that determine whether the resume is kept for further review or set aside and immediately removed from contention.

Help your resume be noticed by making the resume screener's job easier. Emphasize your key qualifications using bold type, italic type, or bullet points. Use wide margins, generous spacing between sections, a font style that is easy on the eyes, and a font size that is no smaller than 11 or 12 points. Avoid trendy paper colors or textures, and instead opt for a high quality white paper that will make the print easier to read.

Proofread and eliminate errors
The quickest way to eliminate your resume from consideration is to send it to the potential employer with spelling errors and/or grammar errors in the content. Use a good spell check and grammar check program to catch obvious errors, but do not depend solely on this software to catch mistakes.

Proofread the document carefully, using the standard proofreading technique of reading it backwards one word at a time. Ask several trusted friends or peers to read it, too, because often a person who has not spent a great deal of time working on a document will catch errors and problems that you might miss.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Tips For Writting A Wonderful Cover Letter

Having a great cover letter is your first step in getting hired. It is the initial evaluation of your skills, your resume, and you as a worker and as a person…….

Creating a great cover letter is easy if you know what you should focus on. Here are some things to remember when writing a cover letter.
Break it Down:
Your cover letter should have three main thoughts. The first is to introduce yourself, and the position you are applying for. The second should be about your skills and how they can be applied to the company you are applying to, and the third point should be a closing statement on your desire for an interview, etc.

In the first section, make sure it's clear right away what position you are applying for. Make sure that, along with the position, you list where you saw it advertised and include any reference numbers for the position. 

In the second section, focus on your skills and experience. Make sure you highlight the skills you have as they refer to the job advertisement. You don't need to include all your skills and experience, because you will be mentioning those in your resume. You don't want to overload the reader with non-essential information. Keep this section concise and crisp.

Tell the reader what you can bring to the company. Discuss your experience as it relates to the job advertisement. Make sure you remember to place emphasis on your skills that illustrate that this job is for you. But remember to keep it focussed and not too long.

The final section of your cover letter deals with how they can contact you. Make sure you list the various methods of contacting you and that all your contact information is accurate.

Keep it Simple:
Your cover letter should not include long paragraphs and complicated sentence structure. The human resources person reading your cover letter may just briefly scan it, looking for key points of interest to see if you are qualified for the job, before they read your resume. If your important points are buried in long sentences, they will likely be overlooked. If you have a skill that's crucial to the job you are applying for, consider putting it in its own sentence so that it's easily seen by the reader.

The formatting should also be simple and easy to read. Remember, you are applying for a job and sending a business letter, so keep it professional looking by using a plain font on white, crisp paper.

Keep it Short:
If your information is well written and concise, it will be easier to read. And that's the first step in getting hired. Keep your sentences focussed and your writing clear. The maximum length of your cover letter should be one page - not a tightly-packed one page, but an easy to read with lots of white space, one page.

Read it Over:
Is it friendly and clear? Will the reader be able to easily identify you as a great candidate? Have you included your key skills as they are identified in the job advertisement? Is it free of spelling mistakes? Have you taken the time to research who you should send the cover letter to and have you addressed it specifically to them? If you take care of these details, you will increase your chances of having your cover letter read. Remember as well, to tailor each cover letter to each job you apply to.

Having a great cover letter will help you in your job search. It's the first thing a potential employer will see so make sure it's a great reflection of you and your skills.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Recuriters are usefull in finding jobs

Going to a recruiter when you're looking for a job is a good way to expand your circle of opportunities. Recruiters work with both job seekers and employers to fill jobs…

Recruiters are paid by the employer once the position is filled and held by the job seeker for a certain amount of time. It is in the best interest of the recruiter to find someone who is a great fit for the job as their reputation and the client's satisfaction relies on the quality of the job seeker.

Job seekers go to recruiters because recruiters often have a roster of jobs that need filling quickly. There is no charge to job seekers and because of a recruiter's skill and experience, they can usually present the job seeker with an opportunity that is very close to what they are looking for.
If you are considering going to a recruiter for your job search, keep these suggestions in mind.

Before You Look for a Recruiter:
Know what kind of job you want. Know the geographical area you'd like to work in, and what sort of salary range you are expecting. These are all things your recruiter will ask you, so be prepared.
Have an updated resume. Your recruiter can't sell you to an employer if they don't know what they've got.
Know that it might take some time, especially if you place your resume with a recruiter who doesn't necessarily have an opening that currently suits your needs.

Have a job search plan. Recruiters won't do everything for you and unfortunately, they might not be able to find you a job. You need a backup plan.

Finding the Right Recruiter for You:
There are many recruiters to choose from. Visit their websites to get an idea of the jobs they are looking to fill. You might want to consider looking for a recruiter in the geographic area in which you want to work as they might have more experience in dealing with local employers and might be more aware of who is hiring, etc.

Many recruiters specialize in certain industries or skill sets. For example, there are recruiters that fill jobs in the automotive industry or in the financial sector and recruiters that fill bilingual positions. If you have a specific skill set, it might help your job search to seek out a recruiter that can help promote you the best. Often, they will be more knowledgeable in the work that is done by certain trades or industries and can understand your past career history better.

It's also important to be clear with your recruiter about what kind of job you are looking for. If you've been clear, and they are suggesting jobs that don't appeal to you or aren't at all what you want, they may not be the recruiter you want working for you. A recruiter that just wants to fill a job and get paid is not what you are looking for. You are looking for someone who has both the employer's interest and the job seeker's interest at heart and wants to find the best person for the job.

Help Your Recruiter:
When you go on an interview that a recruiter has set up for you, you are not only representing yourself, but the recruiter's agency as well. Do you best to represent them well and in a professional manner. It will go a long way to showing the recruiter you appreciate their efforts.

Since recruiters get paid by the employer only after they've filled the job, recruiters can go to a lot of expense before the job is filled. Make sure you only go on interviews and apply for jobs you are interested in and are serious about. If a recruiter presents you with an opportunity you aren't sure about, ask for more information and clarify the terms before you go ahead with it.

There are lots of advantages to working with a recruiter. You have someone else looking for work for you, they have access to a lot of resources you might not, and they know who's hiring. Talking to friends or colleagues who have used recruiters in the past is a great way to see what services recruiters can offer you. Remember that recruiters only get paid if they fill the job, so there should be no cost to you in finding you a job. 

Some Tips For Online Job Searchers

While the popularity of online job boards puts millions of jobs at one's fingertips, it has also made the job applicant pool that much bigger……

 For this reason, national job search sites and the Internet as a whole have gotten a bad rap from some industry professionals as an ineffective job seeker tool; on the contrary, the Internet actually can be a great resource for job seekers -- they just need to know how to use it. 
When it comes to a fruitful online job search, successful job seekers follow these  guidelines.

1. Instead of simply posting your resume on a Web site, take it one step further and design an easily-navigable Web site or online portfolio where recruiters can view your body of work, read about your goals and obtain contact information.

2.Google yourself to see what comes up -- and what potential employers will see if they do the same. If you don't like what you find, it's time to do damage control.

3. Many job boards offer filters to help users refine their search results more quickly.  You should have the option to narrow your job search by region, industry and duration, and, oftentimes, you can narrow it even more by keywords, company names, experience needed and salary.

4. Instead of just applying for the posted job opening, one of the best strategies to finding a job is to first figure out where you want to work, target that company or industry and then contact the hiring manager. Also, many employers' career pages invite visitors to fill out candidate profiles, describing their background, jobs of interest, salary requirements and other preferences.

5. Refine your search even more by visiting your industry's national or regional Web site, where you can find jobs in your field that might not appear on a national job board.  More and more employers are advertising jobs on these sites in hopes of getting a bigger pool of qualified applicants.

6. Recruiters will help match you with jobs that meet your specific skills and needs.  Not sure where to start?  Sites such as,, and provide links to online headhunters for job seekers.

7. Video resumes are just one more way to stand out to employers.  Intended as supplements to -- not replacements for -- traditional resumes, video resumes allow job seekers to showcase a little bit of their personalities and highlight one or two points of interest on their résumés.

8. You run searches on everything else, from your high school sweetheart to low-fat recipes, so why not jobs?  Enter a query that describes the exact kind of job you're seeking and you may find more resources you wouldn't find otherwise (but be prepared to do some sorting).

9.Most job boards have features that allow you to sign up to receive e-mail alerts about newly available jobs that match your chosen criteria.  Or go a step further and arrange an RSS (really simple syndication) feed from one of these job sites to appear on your customized Internet homepage or your PC's news-reader software.

10. How many times have you been told that it's not what you know, but who you know?  Thanks to the emergence of professional networking sites like, job seekers no longer have to rely on the old standby of exchanging business cards with strangers.  These sites are composed of millions of industry professionals and allow you to connect with people you know and the people they know and so forth.