Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Phone Job Interview Types and its Preparation

Many people do not think of phone interviewing as interviewing. It wasnt an interview, it was ust a phone call. It was still an interview. And it could affect your potential career with an employer. So treat it with all the respect due a full interview.

Three Types of Telephone Interviews 

There are three basic types of telephone interviews:
1.     You initiate a call to the Hiring Manager and he or she is interested in your background. The call from that point forward is an interview.

2.     A company calls you based upon a previous contact. You will likely be unprepared for the call, but it is still an interview.

3.     You have a preset time with a company representative to speak further on the phone. Also an interview.

Telephone Interview Preparation 
In preparing for your phone interview, there are several things you can do. To prepare for an unexpected contact:
·        Tape your resume to a wall where you can view it while on the phone. It will be there for any call (planned or unplanned) and will be a constant reminder for your job search.
·        Keep all of your employer research materials within easy reach of your phone.
·        Have a notepad available to take notes.
·        Keep a mirror nearby (you will understand why in the next few pages).
If the phone interview is to occur at a set time, there are additional steps you can take:
·        Place a Do Not Disturb note on your door.
·        Turn off your stereo, TV, and any other potential distraction.
·        Warm up your voice while waiting for the call. Sing an uplifting song to yourself.
·        Have a glass of water handy, since you will not have a chance to take a break during the call.
·        Speaking of breaks, if your phone interview is at a set time, make sure you answer natures call first.
·        Turn off call waiting on your phone.

In prep for a telephone interview (or any telephone contact), make sure you have a mirror within view. Why? Because I want you to look into that mirror consistently throughout the phone call. And smile. You will improve your telephone presence 110 percent just by using this simple technique. You will find yourself coming across as much friendlier, more interested, more alert. If you are at all self-conscious about seeing yourself in the mirror, you can use the mirror as an occasional checkpoint. But for most of us, seeing oneself reflected back gives us the kind of feedback necessary to make instant modification toward a more positive presence.
Remember, you should be standing, so a wall mirror usually works best. You can pick up a small wall mirror for a limited amount of cash. Its worth it.
Try it the next time you are on the phone. But dont do it with your roommate around.

by: CG

1 comment:

  1. Every interview is a learning experience, so learning that takes place during the preparation and actual interview process is useful for future interviews.
